Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Anti-Clutter Patrol

I'm a Spartan about some things, one of those being that I cannot stand to have an accumulation of unused, unorganized junk around, especially in an area in which I spend a lot of my time. At home we go through our stuff every year and purge the excess (the usable to Goodwill, the junk to the dump). Since we just moved, there's very little we took with us that fits into the junk category anymore, so my attentions have recently turned toward my work environment. The church office has somehow become the repository for all things that no one quite knows what to do with. Well this week I received a revelation: We have an attic! And not just any attic, but one which runs virtually the entire length of our very long building. Which means that it is now quite possible to organize and store all the stuff that has accumulated in the office for lo these many years.

Yesterday I went to Alco (the local equivalent of a mini Wal-Mart, for the uninitiated) and purchased some 66 quart clear plastic tubs. Into the tubs went a file drawer full of old bulletins dating back to 1968, a file drawer full of old church newsletters dating back to the early '80's, old photo albums and slides, boxes full of ancient sermon tapes and other miscellany. Which means we are now able to use the cabinets and files for things actually relevant to our daily operations, such as copier paper, current filing, rarely used office equipment like the comb binder etc.

I'm fairly certain that this task is nowhere listed on my job description and equally certain that this post is revealing far more about my advanced retentive tendencies than I probably should. Nevertheless, it feels like a small victory in my life.


The Rosetto's said...

I frequently feel compelled to come "Cleansweep" the church. I've often thought such a position should be created, because no one thinks it "their job" and thus we have bulletins from '68! Now someone needs to get the bulletins, scan them into the computer and make a fire with the stack of paper:) LOL

BTW that binder thing is sweet!

Bill Allison said...

I celebrate your victory friend. And I love the play on your name... bull horn... I finally got it.
Your slow friend..

Horn herd mom said...

Your clean sweeping tendancies could be why you couldn't find a pant hanger to hang your pants on this morning--I think you threw out about 15 of them when we moved because "WE DON'T NEED THESE!!! I'M PITCHING THEM!!!"

The Bullhorn said...

Well honey, I may be retentive about clutter, but it sure beats living with a slob, amen? (I mean, aside from me throwing out not only my junk but other people's junk too). And not having enough hangers probably means we need to go through the closet again and get rid of the excess rather than buy more hangers, right?