Saturday, March 28, 2009

In case you were wondering...

...the Sulawesi Torajaland is outstanding. It's a heavy, slow, dark coffee, which is just what I want in the morning, when I am heavy, slow, and dark. So glad we ordered the 5 lb. bag of it.


thehes said...

sounds DElicious! we haven't had a really good cup of coffee in forever (okay, exactly 8 months...but ask any lady who's been pregnant. that is FOREVER!!) =)

Horn herd mom said...

Okay Kristen I had to read your comment about 4 times to figure out if you were making an announcement about being pregnant! Maybe this is because I haven't had any coffee this morning!

thehes said...

nope, no announcement...though hopefully there will be one sooner rather than later! =)